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Deliver extraordinary guest experiences with Pingbix

Meet your guests where they want to connect and give them the, speed scale & smarts to create unforgettable experiences

Meet your guests where they want to connect

Nine out of 10 consumers want to talk to businesses on messaging. Build ongoing relationships with personalized, context-based conversations on your customer's preferred channels. Use AI-powered data to gain a clear picture of every customer's individual preferences at scale.

Use IoT to create a more comfortable, customized stay

Let guests, staff, and rooms communicate with each other via world-class IoT, enabling keyless entry, security monitoring, on demand self service, and much more. Smart rooms lead to more bookings, creating customers who are loyal to your brand and more likely to book again.

Satisfaction and response speed by automating self-service and support

Answer FAQs online with an intelligent, dynamic bot to let agents focus on delivering quality customer experiences. Automate key processes like guest check-in and bookings, anticipate needs based on past activity, and respond rapidly to deliver a great customer experience.

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